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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy



We will conduct our business in a responsible way that respects and rewards our employees, works with the communities in which we operate, respects our partners, suppliers and other stakeholders and ensures our environmental impact is minimised. We will achieve sustainable, profitable, growth allowing us to support all of our objectives.


We have established eight principles of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), which are:


1. Sustainable development


We aim to use our sustainability strategy to create value for the benefit of our business and our stakeholders.


Alfonica is committed to a policy of growth through organic development and partnership. We recognise that building the business sustainably creates value for the benefit of the business and shareholders. In being responsible we can face some risks, as well as opportunities to capitalise on, which can bring benefit without damaging the environment


Stakeholders are increasingly interested in our ethical and environmental performance and the positive contribution this can make to our business. Operating efficiently will contribute cost savings and a positive contribution to profitability.


We will manage our people and assets to maximise their performance and identify and communicate opportunities.


2. Governance


We aim to be a leading and profitable business in the sector whilst maintaining the principles adopted in this CSR policy


RCG is committed to the highest standards of ethical conduct and integrity in all its business activities and are committed to carrying out effective measures to prevent, monitor and reject unethical and illegal practice.

The management are responsible for ensuring good governance in accordance with best practice, relevant legislation and all relevant regulatory requirements. They will set targets and objectives for the company and for its employees and provide appraisal and feedback

The Management will keep this CSR policy under review and ensure that it continues to develop in line with best practice, changes in legislation in accordance with the changes occurring in a growing business.


3. Community


We aim to be a good neighbour in all the communities we operate in and support the local community, especially with Children’s Health and Education.


We have an opportunity and duty to help those around us and make a positive contribution to the communities we work and love in.

RCG believe in the benefits and obligations of giving to charity and we have decided to focus on Children – Health and Education. We have committed to supporting both national and local charities and we will encourage all our employees, customers, suppliers and stakeholders to participate. We will work with local schools and help them understand more about the world of business and work.

We will encourage our employees to look after their health and wellbeing.

We will also act as a good neighbour, being considerate to those around us, looking after our environment and being good local citizens.


4. Fair Operating Practice


We aim to treat all employees, business partners and other stakeholders honestly and fairly and without prejudice and to encourage others to do the same.


All employees of the Company must observe the highest standards of business and personal ethics in the conduct of their duties and responsibilities and must practice honesty and integrity in every aspect of dealing with other employees, customers, suppliers, other business partners, stakeholders and communities.

The company operate a strict anti-bribery and corruption policy for all its employees and stakeholders expect them to avoid any situation that could affect their objectivity in business decisions.

RCG understand that the Company and its employees have an obligation to take a leadership role in promoting best practice in their communities and beyond.


5. The Environment


We aim to reduce our environmental impact, operate within all applicable laws and regulations and maintain high standards of hygiene and cleanliness at all our sites.


The Company works continuously to reduce its environmental impact and to be aware of and develop recycling opportunities. The company has embarked on a nationwide recycling scheme for used mobile phones and other similar devices. This scheme will reduce the environmental impact of the products we sell and simultaneously provide much needed funds to a national charity.

The Company will also recycle everyday items in their premises and encourage their employees to be mindful of opportunities to recycle.


6. Employee Relations


We aim to be an employee of choice, where all employees feel valued, supported and motivated in a healthy and safe working environment.


RCG is a non-discriminatory employer and our management strive to achieve a culture based on responsibility, excellence and respect which builds on the talent of our workforce. It is the policy to treat all employees fairly and without prejudice. RCG is committed to eliminating any unfair or discriminatory practices should they occur.

All employees will be given the opportunity to progress on merit without regards to their gender, marital or parental status, ethnic or national origin, sexual orientation, religious belief, political affiliation, age or disability. We are committed to fair pay and benefits.

This ethos is embedded in business practice through employment and other procedures and policy. We wish to actively encourage more employee participation in the workplace in suggesting ideas, improvements and contributing proactively to the development of the company at all levels.

The Company will engage in regular communications, briefings and appraisals.

Alfonica is also committed to achieve the best practicable standard of health and safety for all employees, customers and visitors, through compliance and collaboration. We will strive to continuously improve, prevent risk, and prevent harm.


7. Suppliers customers and partners


We aim to be a company that others want to do business with and have confidence we will properly consider their needs.


RCG work to ensure that customers, suppliers and other stakeholders understand the standards that the Company sets and expects of others.

Customers are becoming increasingly aware of Social and Environment impact which places an expectation on us to keep them informed about the issues that may impact them.

We need to work with Suppliers in a professional, ethical, fair, collaborative and sustainable way to protect the environment and contribute to our communities.


8. Communications


We aim to provide clear, honest and helpful information at appropriate levels of detail to all employees, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders


RCG strive to use clear language appropriate to the audience and the circumstances.

We will use our website, social media, adverts, literature, correspondence, agreements and other communications in a responsible way to provide current, accurate, clear and relevant information.


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